Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Congratulations Codi Peters!!!

There are no words to express the pride that I feel for the beautiful young lady! 

Let's talk about following our dreams for just a second . . .words cannot express the feelings of love and pride that I have for my daughter.  She has faced many challenges in the past couple of years but she took them all on and continued to move forward and to succeed.  She is a true testament to what it means to persevere.  She is an inspiration to me and makes me want to continue to move forward and achieve my goals and dreams and I am lucky enough to be able to call her may daughter and whenever she calls me mom my heart swells with pride.

Let Codi be a testament to us all.  Don't ever give up and don't be afraid to follow  your dreams.  Maybe the path you started out on isn't the one you will end up on but it just might end up being a better path . . .

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